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How to Create Mysql Database in Mysql Workbench

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This wikiHow teaches you how to create a database in MySQL. In order to create a database, you'll have to open the "mysql" command line interface and enter your database commands while the server is running.

  1. 1

    Make sure that your MySQL server is connected. If your MySQL server isn't currently online, you can't create a database.

    • You can check the server's status by opening MySQL Workbench, selecting your server, and looking at the "Server Status" indicator on the "Administration - Server Status" tab.
  2. 2

    Copy the installation folder's path. This path will vary depending on whether you're using a Windows computer or a Mac:

    • Windows — Copy C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE/ making sure to replace the last folder's name with the most current MySQL name.
    • Mac — Copy /usr/local/mysql-8.0.13-osx10.13-x86_64/ making sure to replace the last folder's name with the most current MySQL folder name.
  3. 3

    Open your computer's command line. You'll use Command Prompt on a Windows computer, while Mac users will open Terminal.

  4. 4

    Change to the MySQL installation folder's directory. Type cd and a space, paste in the path to the installation folder, and press Enter . For example, you'd do the following on most Windows computers:

                                                cd                      C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE                    
  5. 5

    Open the MySQL login command. For example, to open the login command for a user named "me", you'd type in the following and press Enter :

  6. 6

    Enter your account password. Type in the password for your MySQL user account, then press Enter . This will log you in and connect your command line application to the MySQL prompt.

    • You should see the "MySQL>" tag appear your command line application. From this point on, any commands you enter will be processed through the MySQL command line app.
    • Understand how to enter MySQL commands. MySQL commands must be entered with a semicolon (;) immediately after the last part of the command, though you can also enter the command, type a semicolon, and press Enter again.
  1. 1

    Create your database's file. You'll do this by typing in the "create database" command create database, adding your database's name and a semicolon, and pressing Enter . For a database named "Pet Records", for example, you'd enter the following:

                                                create                      database                      Pet_Records                      ;                    
    • Your database's name cannot have any spaces in it; if you want to add a space to the name, you'll have to use an underscore (for example, "Friends of Mine" would become "Friends_of_Mine").
    • Every MySQL command must end in a semicolon. If you miss the semicolon the first time, you can type it in next to the ... which appears and then press Enter again.
  2. 2

    Display the current databases. You can bring up a list of current databases by typing in the following and then pressing Enter :

  3. 3

    Select your database. You can select your database from the list by typing use name where "name" is the database's name. For example, for your "Pet Records" database, you would type the following and press Enter :

  4. 4

    Wait for the confirmation message. Once you see the phrase "Database changed" appear below your last-typed command, you're free to proceed with creating the database's content.

  1. 1

    Understand the different table commands. There are a few main aspects of your table that you'll want to know before creating one:

    • Title — Your title will go directly after the "create table" command, and must follow the same rules as your database's name (e.g., no spaces).
    • Column Heading — You can determine column headings by typing different names into a set of parentheses (see the next step's example).
    • Cell Length — When determining cell length, you'll use either "VARCHAR" (variable characters, meaning that you can type in between one and the VARCHAR's limit number of characters) or "CHAR" (requires no more and no less than the specified number of characters; for example, CHAR(1) requires one character, CHAR(3) requires three characters, and so on).
    • Date — If you want to add a date to your chart, you'll use the "DATE" command to indicate that the column's contents will be formatted as a date. The date should be entered in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  2. 2

    Create the table outline. Before you can input data for your chart, you'll need to create the chart's structure by typing in the following and then pressing Enter :

                                                create                      table                      name                      (                      column1                      varchar                      (                      20                      ),                      column2                      varchar                      (                      30                      ),                      column3                      char                      (                      1                      ),                      column4                      date                      );                    
    • For example, to create a table called "Pets" with two VARCHAR columns, a CHAR column, and a date column, you might write the following:
    •                                                 create                        table                        Pets                        (                        Name                        varchar                        (                        20                        ),                        Breed                        varchar                        (                        30                        ),                        Sex                        char                        (                        1                        ),                        DOB                        date                        );                      
  3. 3

    Add a line to your table. Using the "insert" command, you can enter your database's information line-by-line:

                                                insert                      into                      name                      values                      (                      'column1 value'                      ,                      'column2 value'                      ,                      'column3 value'                      ,                      'column4 value'                      );                    
    • For the "Pets" table example used previously, your line might look like this:
                                                          insert                          into                          Pets                          values                          (                          'Fido'                          ,                          'Husky'                          ,                          'M'                          ,                          '2017-04-12'                          );                        
    • You can enter the word NULL for a column's contents if the column is blank.
  4. 4

    Insert the rest of your data if possible. If your database is relatively small, you can insert the rest of the data line-by-line by using the "insert" code. If you elect to do this, skip the next step.

  5. 5

    Upload a text file if needed. If you have a database which requires more lines of information than are practical to insert by hand, you can reference a text file that contains the data by using the following code: [1]

                                                load                      data                      local                      infile                      '/path/name.txt'                      into                      table                      name                      lines                      terminated                      by                      '\r\n'                      ;                    
    • For the "Pets" example, you would write something like the following:
                                                          load                          data                          local                          infile                          'C:/Users/name/Desktop/pets.txt'                          into                          table                          Pets                          lines                          terminated                          by                          '\r\n'                          ;                        
    • On a Mac computer, you'll need to use the "lines terminated by" command with '\r' instead of '\r\n'.
  6. 6

    View your table. Enter the show databases; command, then select your database by typing in select * from name; where "name" is the database's name. For example, if using the "Pet Records" database, you'd enter the following:

                                                show                      databases                      ;                      select                      *                      from                      Pet_Records                      ;                    

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  • Question

    What are the basics of MySQL?

    Community Answer

    (1) Getting started with MySQL; (2) querying data; (3) filtering data; (4) sorting data; (5) joining tables; (6) grouping data; (7) MySQL sub query; (8) using set operators; (9) modifying data in MySQL; (10) MySQL transaction; (11) managing MySQL databases and tables; (12) MySQL indexes; (13) MySQL data types; 14. MySQL constraints; (15) MySQL globalization; (16) MySQL import and export.

  • Question

    How do I create a new database and place that database in a specific directory location?

    Community Answer

    in 'phpmyadmin,' create a database with its table name and put it in a php directory.

  • Question

    How do I use Oracle in a database?

    Community Answer

    Oracle is a type of database, not something you use in a database. The cost of an Oracle database instance is generally $100,000 per core (that's a processor). To get started using Oracle, go to

  • Question

    Can MySQL work in Windows 10?

    Community Answer

    Yes. If you search the web, you will find many guides that are detailed enough to get you going.

  • Question

    What is the difference between creating a database on the command line and a formal PHPmyAdmin?

    Community Answer

    The real difference is that PHPmyAdmin does the work for you and is a huge security hole.

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  • Some commonly used data types include the following:

    • CHAR(length) - fixed length character string
    • VARCHAR(length) - variable length character string with max length length
    • TEXT - variable length character string with max length of 64KB of text
    • INT(length) - 32-bit integer with max length digits (the '-' is counted as a 'digit' for a negative number)
    • DECIMAL(length,dec) - Decimal number up to total length display characters; the dec field indicates the maximum number of decimal places allowed
    • DATE - Date value (year, month, date)
    • TIME - Time value (hours, minutes, seconds)
    • ENUM("value1","value2", ....) - List of enumerated values
  • Some optional parameters include the following:

    • NOT NULL - A value must be provided. The field cannot be left blank.
    • DEFAULT default-value - If no value is given, the default-value is assigned to the field.
    • UNSIGNED - For numeric fields, ensures that the number is never negative.
    • AUTO_INCREMENT - The value will be incremented automatically each time a row is added to the table.
  • If your MySQL server isn't running when you attempt to log into the "mysql" command line, you won't be able to proceed.

  • As with any coding, make sure that your commands are spelled and spaced exactly right before you attempt to enter them.

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Article SummaryX

1. Open the MySQL command line.
2. Type in CREATE DATABASE followed by the database's name and a semicolon.
3. Press Enter .
4. Open the database by entering USE [database name] into the MySQL command line.

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How to Create Mysql Database in Mysql Workbench
