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How Much Does It Cost to Renew License Plate

Notice: Service Interruption
Due to scheduled maintenance this online service will be temporarily unavailable Sunday, December 5, 2021 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Your vehicle must have a valid licence plate sticker and be insured to drive legally in Ontario. The licence plate sticker renewal period varies depending on type of vehicle and if you choose to renew for one or two years.

Renew for
2 years

You can save time by renewing your sticker for up to 2 years

$60 to
$240 fee

Fees vary depending on the renewal length and if you live in Northern or Southern Ontario.

Valid for
2 years

You must renew your licence plate sticker every 1 to 2 years

What you need to know before you renew

To renew your licence plate sticker, you need:

  • your licence plate number
  • your vehicle permit number
  • your insurance company name and policy number
  • your odometer reading
  • to pay any outstanding fines, tolls or fees
  • to pay for your renewal fees
  • an emissions test, if you are renewing for a heavy-duty diesel vehicle
    • find out if you need an emissions test

Renew online

Renew online

Notice: Service Interruption
Due to scheduled maintenance this online service will be temporarily unavailable Sunday, December 5, 2021 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Most customers can renew online.

Renew licence plate sticker

Renew in-person

You must renew your licence plate sticker in-person at ServiceOntario if the renewal is for a farm or heavy commercial vehicle over 3,000kg (kilogram).

Visit a ServiceOntario centre if you cannot renew online.

Cost and delivery


If you did not renew your licence plate sticker(s) during the COVID-19 extension, you are required to pay for that skipped renewal fee and your next renewal fee. Find out more information about extensions.

Your renewal fee may vary based on your situation. For example, the expiry date for your sticker has changed.

Passenger vehicles
Region 1 year 2 year
Southern Ontario $120 $240
Northern Ontario $60 $120
Other types of vehicle
Type of vehicle Southern Ontario Northern Ontario
Motorcycle $42 $21
Commercial vehicle (gross weight 3,000 kg and less, commercial use) $120 $120
Commercial vehicle (gross weight 3,000 kg and less, personal use) $120 $60
Mopeds $12 $12
Motorized snow vehicle $15 $0
Motorized mobile home $120 $60
Historical vehicles $18 $18

How you can pay


VISA, Mastercard


Pay with cash, cheque, money order, VISA, Mastercard or Interac®

If you are paying by cheque please note:

  • personal cheques must be certified (we will not accept uncertified personal cheques)
  • company cheques must have the company name pre-printed on them
  • cheques must be made payable to: Minister of Finance


If you renew online

Your licence plate sticker(s) will arrive in the mail within 14 days. It may take longer:

  • if you are outside of Ontario
  • when demand is higher than normal

If your sticker is expiring soon

You will get a temporary licence plate sticker validation document when you renew your sticker:

  • 14 days or less before it expires
  • after it expires

Until the new sticker arrives, you must:

  • print the temporary licence plate validation document and keep it in the vehicle
  • leave the existing sticker on the licence plate

The temporary licence plate sticker validation document is:

  • proof that you renewed your sticker
  • gives you a 14-day extension from the order date until the new sticker arrives

If you renew in person

You will be given your licence plate sticker at the ServiceOntario centre.

When you get your new sticker

Your licence plate is not valid if the validation sticker is not attached to it.

Keep your old licence plate sticker on until you get the new one.

As soon as you receive your new sticker, attach it to the upper right-hand corner of your rear licence plate or on the front plate for a commercial vehicle.

Renew as a business owner or dealer

You can renew online for up to 10 vehicles per transaction, for vehicles that weigh 3,000 kg or less.

You must renew in person at ServiceOntario for vehicles heavier than 3,000 kg.

If you are paying by cheque you must renew in person. Please note:

  • personal cheques must be certified (we will not accept uncertified personal cheques)
  • company cheques must have the company name pre-printed on them
  • cheques must be made payable to: Minister of Finance

Unpaid fines

You must pay outstanding vehicle fines, tolls and fees when you renew your licence plate sticker. These include:

  • highway tolls
  • outstanding vehicle licensing fees (bounced cheques, for example)
  • vehicle fines such as:
    • parking
    • red light camera
    • failing to stop for a school bus
    • operating an unlicensed taxi

Defaulted driver fines must also be paid in full before you can renew your driver's licence or order a personalized licence plate. You can pay online or in person at a ServiceOntario centre.

Notice: Service Interruption
Due to scheduled maintenance this online service will be temporarily unavailable Sunday, December 5, 2021 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Pay driver fines or fees online

Insurance coverage

Insure your vehicle

By law, to renew your licence plate, your vehicle must be insured.

The Ministry of Transportation verifies that your vehicle is insured by checking your vehicle identification number – a unique number assigned to your vehicle – with the insurance information from your insurance provider.

If your insurance information cannot be verified, or your vehicle identification number cannot be matched, you will not be able to renew your sticker.

You will need to compare the vehicle identification number on 3 things:

  • the dashboard of your vehicle
  • your vehicle permit
  • your Canadian inter-province motor vehicle liability insurance card (pink card)

If the vehicle identification number on your dashboard and your Canadian inter-province motor vehicle liability insurance card do not match, you will need to contact your insurance company to fix it.

Check your vehicle identification number before you renew

You will need to correct your vehicle identification number before you can renew your licence plate sticker online.

If the vehicle identification number on your dashboard and vehicle permit does not match, you will need to visit ServiceOntario to correct it. You will need to bring the following documents:

  • the vehicle permit (ownership) – the vehicle portion of the permit is required
  • your Canada Inter-Province Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Card ("pink card")
  • one of the following documents:
    • original vehicle manufacturer's warranty
    • copy of manufacturer's invoice
    • original or copy of the bill/certificate of sale from the original selling dealer
    • letter from an authorized dealer for your make of vehicle verifying the correct vehicle identification number of the vehicle
    • copy of certificate of title/certificate of origin
    • copy of new vehicle information statement (NVIS).
    • written confirmation from municipal or provincial police verifying that the vehicle identification number was checked through the Canadian police information centre
    • original safety standards certificate, form SR-E-214, only if the last 6 characters of the vehicle identification number are correct
    • sworn affidavit by the vehicle owner explaining the vehicle identification number error

If you do not have insurance, you must get it from an insurance provider licensed to do business in Ontario. Proof of insurance is required to renew your licence plate sticker.

If you've moved recently

You must change your address within 6 days after you move. You should keep your address up to date to make sure:

  • any products you order online will arrive at the correct address
  • the validation fee you are charged aligns with the area you live in
  • you are complying with the law

Issues with your sticker

If you have any issues with your sticker, for example, your sticker:

  • has not arrived in 14 days
  • arrived damaged

Please call one of these phone numbers:

  • 416-235-2999
  • Toll-free: 1-800-387-3445
  • TTY: 416-325-3408
  • Toll-free TTY: 1-800-268-7095

Replace your sticker

There is no charge within 31 days of purchasing a sticker for a replacement if the sticker is:

  • faulty (does not stick, wrong date, etc.)
  • lost in the mail
  • not your sticker

After 31 days from the order date, you will have to pay a replacement fee of $7 if the sticker was:

  • lost
  • damaged
  • stolen

Emissions test

Light-duty vehicles and heavy-duty non-diesel vehicles

As of April 1, 2019, light-duty passenger vehicles (most cars, vans, SUVs and light trucks) and heavy-duty non-diesel vehicles no longer require an emissions test.

Heavy-duty diesel vehicles

Vehicle emissions inspection facilities may resume conducting heavy diesel vehicle emissions testing. Opening dates for individual facilities may vary as it will take time for facility owners to get their businesses up and running.

If your commercial heavy-duty diesel vehicle is registered in Ontario and is 7 years or older, it must pass an emissions test before you can renew your licence plate.

If your vehicle is due for an emissions test, it will be indicated on the renewal notice you received in the mail.

Check if you need an emissions test online.

Get a credit or refund

If you've paid for a sticker that is still valid, but you don't need it anymore (for example, you're not using the vehicle or you've moved out of province), you can get a refund or credit for the remaining time you've paid for.

Find out more information about getting a refund.

Updated: December 03, 2021

Published: October 18, 2021

How Much Does It Cost to Renew License Plate
