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Coding Puzzles

Coding Projects

Coding Puzzles

Coding Projects

Coding Puzzles

Coding Projects

Coding Puzzles

Coding Projects

Coding Puzzles

Coding Projects

Coding Puzzles

Coding Projects

Coding Puzzles

Coding Projects

Coding Puzzles

Coding Projects

What is Hour of Code™

Hour of Code™ is a global movement to introduce people of all ages to computer programming in a fun way. Tynker's Hour of Code™ activities can be taught during the December event, or year-round.

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Tynker's Hour of Code activities

50+ fun coding activities to keep your students engaged, motivated, and rewarded as they learn programming the fun way!

No programming experience required for teachers or students!

Name Description Grades Student Experience Level Programming Language
Barbie™ Pet Vet Students solve several coding puzzles and learn to use basic programming concepts such as loops and conditional statements.
Pre-reader - 4
beginner Tynker Blocks, Python, JavaScript
Barbie™ You Can Be Anything™ Students learn to use basic programming concepts such as sequencing, animation, loops, and more while explore each of the six careers.
Pre-reader - 4
beginner Tynker Blocks
Space Quest In these 23 coding puzzles, students will learn core programming concepts such as loops and conditionals.
Grade 1+
beginner Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python, Swift
Dragon Blast In these 27 coding puzzles, students will learn advanced sequencing, debugging, and other intermediate coding skills.
Grade 3+
beginner Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python, Swift
Crystal Clash Students will apply their own strategies to battle other players with their code.
Grade 5 - 8
intermediate Tynker Blocks
Life on Land Students will use their coding skills to create a project in Tynker that shows the importance of world's forest with code. When they're done with this tutorial, encourage them to get creative.
Grade 3 - 5
intermediate Tynker Blocks
Life on Land (Python) Students will use their coding skills to create a project in Python that plants trees. When they're done with this tutorial, encourage them to get creative.
Grade 6+
advanced Python
Affordable and Clean Energy Students will use their coding skills to create a project in Tynker that showcases renewable energy, energy efficiency, and access to energy. When they're done with this tutorial, encourage them to get creative.
Grade 3 - 5
intermediate Tynker Blocks
Affordable and Clean Energy (HTML) Students will use their coding skills to create a web page in HTML that showcases sustainability issues. When they're done with this tutorial, encourage them to get creative.
Grade 6+
advanced HTML
Responsible Consumption and Production Students will use their coding skills to create a project in Tynker that shows the importance of recycling. When they're done with this tutorial, encourage them to get creative.
Grade 3 - 5
beginner Tynker Blocks
Responsible Consumption and Production (JavaScript) Students will use their JavaScript coding skills to create a game that explores recycling. When they're done with this tutorial, encourage them to get creative.
Grade 6+
advanced JavaScript
Pets Game Students learn the basics that they'll need to create a pet game in Tynker. Encourage them to get creative with a goldfish, a lion, or even a pet tofu!
Pre-reader - 5
intermediate Tynker Blocks
Cooking Game Students learn the basics that they'll need to create a cooking game in Tynker. When they're done with this project, encourage them to program their own recipes.
Pre-reader - 5
intermediate Tynker Blocks
Change the World! Students will use their coding skills to create a project in Tynker that shows how they would change the world with code. When they're done with this tutorial, encourage them to get creative.
Pre-reader - 5
intermediate Tynker Blocks
Hour of Code on Tablets Learn the basics of coding with one of our six fun puzzle sets.
Grade 2+
beginner Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Draw a Landscape Students will use their Python pen drawing skills to design and draw a landscape. When they're done, encourage them to create their own shapes and design different landscapes.
Grade 6+
comfortable, experienced Python
Superhero Masks Students will use HTML and CSS pixel art to create their favorite superhero masks. When they're done with this project, encourage them to create other pixel art.
Grade 6+
comfortable, experienced HTML/CSS
Peep: Nature Walk In this tutorial, students create an animated scene where Peep explores the world around him.
Pre-reader - 4
beginner Tynker Blocks
Peep: Dance with Friends In this tutorial, students program an animated dancing scene using the characters from Peep and the Big Wide World.
Pre-reader - 4
beginner Tynker Blocks
Bird Mayhem Students use cloning to create more birds and change physics properties to make the birds move and bounce.
Grade 5+
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Brick Breaker Students program keyboard motion using impulses, detect collisions, and program the motion of the ball. They can theme the game and add their own levels.
Grade 2 - 5
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Candy Quest Students solve several coding puzzles and learn to use basic programming concepts such as loops and conditional statements.
Pre-reader - 4
beginner Tynker Blocks
Code Commander Students complete a set of 18 puzzles where they program members of an army.
Grade 6+
comfortable, experienced Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Code Monsters Students complete a set of 20 puzzles where they program the monsters they've collected.
Grade 3+
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Toxic Jungle In these 20 coding puzzles, students will learn core programming concepts such as loops and conditionals, as well as Python syntax.
Grade 7+
comfortable, experienced Python
Debugger Students complete several coding challenges that progressively add capabilities to overcome the "bugs" and eventually complete the game.
Grade 5+
comfortable, experienced Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Dragon Dash Students complete a series of levels using basic programming concepts such as sequencing, repetition, conditional logic and counting.
Grade 5 - 8
intermediate, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Hot Wheels: Obstacle Course Students solve a set of 20 puzzles to navigate a Hot Wheels racecar.
Grade 3+
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Counter Hack These fun puzzle activities teach core programming concepts such as loops and conditionals, as well as JavaScript syntax.
Grade 6+
comfortable, experienced JavaScript
Monster High: Music Video Students follow step-­by-­step instructions to create and publish their own music video.
Grade 3+
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Scavenger Hunt Students solve a set of 20 coding puzzles to guide Monster High characters through a scavenger hunt.
Grade 3+
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Pattern Maker Students experiment with pen commands and learn to draw squares, triangles, Spirograph designs and more.
Grade 5 - 8
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Puppy Adventure Students use problem solving skills and learn to recognize patterns and write small programs.
Pre-reader - 4
beginner Tynker Blocks
Martian Weather Station In this coding tutorial, students will analyze Mars temperature data from the Perseverance rover, perform statistical calculations, and then create charts using Python! In addition, students will compare Martian weather against places on Earth that have similar extreme weather. The students will use matplotlib and pandas to create meaningful charts.
Grade 6+
Earth as Art In this coding tutorial, students will browse through the gallery of Earth as Art photographs and choose their favorite. They will learn how to apply a color tint and explore advanced image processing effects like a Pointillism filter. The students will use Python and to create their art project.
Grade 6+
Terrain Generator In this coding tutorial, students will explore how to create pseudo-random noise using code. They will learn to create their own original digital artwork in the style of Earth as Art. The students will use JavaScript and p5.js to simulate a nearby geological feature, like a river or mountain range. They will start by generating Perlin noise, then transform its emerging patterns into a custom-colored, imaginary map.
Grade 6+
Design a Mission Patch Students will combine their artistic skills with coding and design a mission patch for a mission to the Moon using Tynker. Students are provided a tutorial to help guide their creative process as they complete the project.
Grade 1 - 8
Tynker Blocks
Diseña un parche de misión Students will combine their artistic skills with coding and design a mission patch for a mission to the Moon using Tynker. Students are provided a tutorial to help guide their creative process as they complete the project.
Grade 1 - 8
Tynker Blocks
Tell Your Lunar Gateway Story Students will imagine themselves as Artemis astronauts living and working on the Lunar Gateway in the year 2024. They will combine their coding, innovation, and art skills to create a storytelling project using Tynker. Students are provided a tutorial to help guide their creative process as they complete the project.
Grade 3 - 5
intermediate, comfortable Tynker Blocks
Tell Your Lunar Gateway Story Students will imagine themselves as Artemis astronauts living and working on the Lunar Gateway in the year 2024. They will combine their coding, innovation, and art skills to create a storytelling project using Tynker. Students are provided a tutorial to help guide their creative process as they complete the project.
Grade 6+
Lunar Test Drive In this tutorial, students will design a lunar landscape. Then they'll need to navigate their rover to a destination using movement commands. Students are provided a tutorial to help guide their creative process as they complete the project.
Grade 3 - 8
beginner Tynker Blocks
Search and Scan Students will design a lunar landscape, then learn how to use the rover to take ice and rock samples at several locations, and finally unload their inventory. Students are provided a tutorial to help guide their creative process as they complete the project.
Grade 3 - 8
intermediate Tynker Blocks
Rover Relay Students will learn how to coordinate the action of many rovers using messages. Encourage students to design their own challenge! Students are provided a tutorial to help guide their creative process as they complete the project.
Grade 3 - 8
advanced Tynker Blocks
Build a Lunar Habitat This open-ended prompt has students use Tynker's level editor to create a lunar habitat. When they've completed the tutorial, encourage students to get creative and add code to make it interactive. Students are provided a tutorial to help guide their creative process as they complete the project.
Grade 3 - 8
beginner Tynker Blocks
Spin Draw Students use stamping to program a pen that draws a rotating image. Then they can use their new pen to make fun creations.
intermediate Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Analog Clock Students follow step-by-step instructions to code an analog clock. This project requires a working understanding of angles and geometry and an ability to apply critical thinking to set up and solve geometry problems.
Grade 6+
comfortable, experienced Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Ecological Pyramid Students follow step-by-step instructions to code an interactive ecological pyramid. They think about how organisms interact within an ecosystem.
Grade 3 - 5
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Solar System Students follow step-by-step instructions to code an interactive Solar System. They do independent research about the planets and the Sun.
Grade 6+
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Multiplication Escape In this STEM project, students will follow step-by-step instructions to make an escape game. If the user answers a multiplication question correctly, the character moves forward and avoids the boulders. If the user answers incorrectly, it's game over!
Grade 3 - 5
advanced, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Bill of Rights In this STEM project, students will create a Social Studies game demonstrating their understanding of the Bill of Rights.
Grade 3 - 5
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Homophones In this STEM project, students will apply what they know about homophones to create an animated storytelling project. Throughout the story, the user will need to choose between two or more homophones to fill in the blank in a line of dialog. The story can't go on until they choose the correct homophone!
Grade 6 - 8
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Undersea Arcade In this tutorial, students learn how to build a top-down arcade game using visual programming blocks.
Grade 5 - 8
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python
Robotics & Drones Learn to program connected devices.
Grade 2+
beginner, comfortable Tynker Blocks, JavaScript, Python

Teacher Resources

  • 50+ tutorials for grades K-12
  • Free teacher dashboard
  • Progress Tracking
  • Student metrics
  • Certificates
  • Lesson guides, answer keys, solutions
  • Marketing materials
View all Teacher Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What devices do I need to participate?

    Each student needs to have a desktop computer, laptop computer, or Chromebook with an internet connection and an up-to-date browser. No downloads are required. If not enough devices are available, students can work in pairs on the same device.

  • How do I set up a classroom?
    If you're a Tynker teacher, you may have already completed this step – nice work! For those who still need to get set up: take 2 minutes to create a Tynker account and add a classroom for your students. We provide all the scaffolded content, so your work is done! Once you're signed in, visit "MY CLASSES" inside your dashboard to get started.
  • How do I set up student rosters?
    You can set up your student rosters with Clever, Google Accounts, or Tynker Accounts. If you use Clever, read this post to set up your classes. If you use Google Accounts, watch this quick setup video. To create Tynker Accounts for your classes, this quick video walks you through the process.
  • How do I add students to my classroom?
    Once you set up a classroom, you can add students and assign lessons through your teacher dashboard. You can import students to a single classroom, add them to multiple classrooms, manually create individual Tynker accounts, or have your students add themselves using a class code.
  • What do I get in my Tynker teacher dashboard?
    Your teacher dashboard is where you can access all your teacher guides, answer keys, student metrics, and certificates. You can see just how much coding your students are doing and even help them along if they get stuck! At the end of an Hour of Code, you can print out personalized achievement certificates for each student.

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